Skiing Safely Tips: Things You Should Know on the Slopes

Skiing Safely Tips: Things You Should Know on the Slopes

Spectacular views, maddening energy flowing through your veins, and awe-inspiring mountain slopes are integral parts of superb skiing experience. But if you’re eager to set off for a winter trip and immediately hit the slopes, it’s crucial to learn main on-piste safety rules that will help you to come back home safely and without serious injuries. The adrenaline rush is often followed by risks and may lead to negative consequences. So, whenever you decide to go to hunter ski resort, take some time to look through the most essential safety tips to avoid any possibility of accidents.

Wear a Helmet

Wear a Helmet

While some skiers tend to ignore this obvious safety advice, wearing a helmet when you’re skiing is extremely important if you want to keep your head protected. You might be surprised, but skiing and snowboarding are one of the most dangerous recreational activities that, in some cases, may result in a severe head injury. Nowadays, you can find a wide variety of stylish helmets available in different shapes and looks for a reasonable price, so there’s no reason to put yourself at risk while hitting the slopes.

Try to Avoid Collisions

Try to Avoid Collisions

No matter how skillful you are, there’s always a chance to bump into someone when practicing on the terrain. Even if you know surroundings perfectly well, you should be ready to encounter people on skis who may find it difficult to keep their bodies under control. One of the main reasons of injuries on slopes are collisions that in most cases happen due to skiers who are out of control. That’s why being attentive and careful while racing is really essential, as your confidence combined with rich skills can’t always prevent you from injuries when someone is heading towards you at high speed.

So, always watch out for other skiers on the slopes and stick to the similar rules as when you’re crossing the street - stop, look and listen.

Choose Appropriate Clothes

Choose Appropriate Clothes

Weather in the mountains is changeable and absolutely unpredictable, so if you decided to color your routine with a thrill of a spectacular ski adventure, spend some time on picking right dressing for yourself. It isn’t only about feeling comfortable, but also about your health. When it comes to clothes, skiers usually put on different layers to keep their bodies warm, so remember to bring more layers than it’s necessary to protect your body from frostbite. It’s better to be prepared in advance when the temperature suddenly drops than to get back home disappointed. Also, you should take some breaks while your race. Point yourself to the restaurant and let your muscles rest for a while before tackling the mountains again.

Take Some Time to Get Ready for Off-Piste Skiing

Take Some Time to Get Ready for Off-Piste Skiing

Lots of skiers prefer going out of the beaten track in search of more thrilling emotions. For sure, hitting the slopes in remote areas, away from crowds seems to be very appealing idea. But if you’re just a beginner, an off-piste skiing adventure may turn into a nightmarish disaster unless you’re fully prepared to face multiple challenges.

For the first time skiing in the backcountry, consider getting an experienced mountain guide. He’ll help you to plan your itinerary in the best possible way while reducing the risk of you getting into trouble amidst the cliffs.

You can also join a special course where a qualified professional will teach you how to ski without risks for your life. Another essential thing to remember when setting off for the ski trip, is taking safety equipment such as probe, shovel as well as avalanche transceiver and being aware of how to use it in case of emergency. You can’t know for sure what may happen during your journey, so it’s better to be ready beforehand.

Never Lie about Your Ski Level

Never Lie about Your Ski Level

If you’re a total beginner in skiing, there’s nothing shameful about accepting that fact and being honest with yourself. One of the reasons, why lots of skiers get leg or knee injuries is due to ill-fitted ski bindings. They are usually adjusted individually in accordance with your weight, height, ski level and age, so it’s better to refrain from lying just to impress a stranger. Also, you shouldn’t try to deal with the most challenging terrain if you’re hardly prepared for it and your skiing skills are rather poor because the consequences of such actions may be very unpleasant. Just know your limits and be careful.

Consider Weather and Seasonal Conditions

Skiing in the mountain can be quite dangerous due to the harsh weather conditions, so keep in mind to check weather forecast in the morning to get ready for your upcoming trip properly. While skiing when the snow is falling down quietly is a magical experience, being caught out in blizzard is one of the most threatening things that can happen to you on the slopes.

If there’re any signs of blizzard approaching, the best option is to get back home as quickly as possible.

It’s also recommended to refrain from skiing during a whiteout and flat light, as these weather conditions cause bad visibility that makes navigating terrains extremely challenging.

Stretch Before Skiing

The best way to prevent injuries when you’re in the mountains, especially if you’re only beginning to practice, is to stretch and do some exercises before skiing. It’s a dynamic sport and your body needs to be prepared to deal with jolts and bumps of a terrain. Good stretching allows you to make your calves and Achilles tendons more flexible and reduce the risk of getting injured when you fall. It can also help to strengthen your body and generally improve your physical shape.

Learning something new is a fascinating experience. If you’ve never tried skiing before, it’s never late to start, but it’s necessary to be careful when you’re doing dynamic sports. Keep in mind your limits, be patient and move from basics to the more advanced technics to develop confidence before moving to more challenging skiing styles as it’s unlikely that you want to spend the rest of your winter vacation with a broken leg.




Author: Tatyana Nek
  • 388 Cromwell Ave, Staten Island, NY 10305